Hello! As we all know, we are living through an unprecedented time! You can imagine as the Food Pantry helps many during ‘normal’ times how great is the need during this Pandemic! We all desire to help in some way and this is just one way we can!
With that said, through community organization with our Food Pantry in Clarksville, we will have a “Drive-Thru” collection of the items listed below on
Sunday morning, April 5th (Palm Sunday) from 9am-11am.
This will take place at Clarksville’s Community Center.
(Normal Food Pantry hours are Wednesday & Saturday, 9am-12 noon. You may also contribute monetarily if preferred by mailing your donations made out to ‘Clarksville Food Pantry’ and mail to: CFP, PO Box 402, Clarksville, VA. 23927)
We ask, for you who wish to donate on April 5th to have your donations bagged and ready so as you drive-thru the Community Center parking lot, someone will take your donation (they will be masked and gloved) and then you exit as you celebrate Palm Sunday!!
The list of needed items (which Food Pantry ask for these items only for this particular drive) are:
Canned meat
Mac & Cheese
Instant potatoes
Peanut butter and jelly
Can vegetables
Can fruit
Dry and can beans
Also please donate ‘normal’ size items due to the fact of bulk size items are much more difficult to distribute for individuals: (Example: a 16 oz. can of green beans vs. a gallon can). The normal size products help aid the Food Pantry’s distribution process. You can order on line in some businesses if you wish not to go in and shop.
Again, our team and our community wish to thank you and desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, who rode into town facing His death on what we now proclaim as Palm Sunday. The people living in the 1st Century, and everyone since, never experienced the Grace that was ‘willingly given’ that following week! John 10:18(CEV): “Jesus spoke: No one takes my life from me. I give it up willingly! I have the power to give it up and the power to receive it back again, just as my Father commanded me to do.”