Owners of lots and grave sites in Oakhurst Cemetery are reminded that according to the Town Code all flowers, decorations and non-approved vases must be removed from lots and grave sites by March 22nd.   This is to allow for the Town staff to conduct its annual spring cleanup.  According to the Town Code, any items left on the ground can and will be collected and disposed of by the Town staff.  New flower arrangements may be placed on grave sites and on lots after April 2nd.  Floral arrangements that are on monuments or memorials, or in vases on monuments or memorials, do not need to be removed for the cleanup.  For any questions, please contact the Town Hall at 434-374-8177 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.



The Town Council of Clarksville, Virginia will hold two public hearings on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. in the Clarksville Town Hall located at 321 Virginia Avenue, Clarksville, Virginia on the following:
1.) To hear public input concerning requests or recommendations related to the upcoming development of the 2021-2022 budget.
2.) To hear and consider the proposed conveyance of a sub-leasehold interest in real property by The Town of Clarksville, Virginia to Clarksville Marina, Incorporated for a one-year term concerning property located at 411 Fourth Street, Clarksville, Virginia, for use as a Marina for recreational and redevelopment use.
Due to the State of Emergency Declared by the Governor of Virginia and the County of Mecklenburg related to the COVID-19 Epidemic the meeting will be held electronically. The Town Manager and the Town Clerk will be present at the Town Hall for the meeting and will host the meeting via ZOOM and will be Live Streamed on YOUTUBE using the following link https://youtu.be/AgzKRVnwkRc.
Any attendance by the public will need to follow social distancing, wear face covering, and have no more than 10 people in the Town Hall at a time. Citizens shall have the right to provide oral or written comments related to the changes by contacting the Town Hall in advance at 434-374-8177, or by e-mail at townmanager@nullclarksvilleva.org, or by U.S. Mail sent to P. O. Box 1147 – Clarksville, VA 23927.

Public Notice – Advertisement 2021-2022 Budget Input and Marina Lease

Governor Northam Increases Capacity Limits for Outdoor Sports and Entertainment Venues as COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Infection Rates Continue to Fall, Vaccinations Rise

Commonwealth of Virginia

Office of Governor Ralph S. Northam

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE · February 24, 2021

Office of the Governor


Governor Northam Increases Capacity Limits for Outdoor Sports and Entertainment Venues as COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Infection Rates Continue to Fall, Vaccinations Rise

~ Indoor capacity limits to remain in place, overnight summer camps can open May 1 with mitigation measures ~

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today announced that as COVID-19 hospitalizations and infection rates continue to decline and vaccinations rise in Virginia, certain outdoor sports and entertainment venues may begin to operate at increased capacity starting Monday, March 1. He amended Executive Order Seventy-Two with the next steps of the “Forward Virginia” plan to safely and gradually ease public health restrictions while mitigating the spread of the virus.

“Thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of all Virginians, hospitalization and positivity rates across the Commonwealth are the lowest they have been in nearly three months,” said Governor Northam. “As key health metrics show encouraging trends and we continue to ramp up our vaccination efforts, we can begin to gradually resume certain recreational activities and further reopen sectors of our economy. Even as we take steps to safely ease public health guidelines, we must all remain vigilant so we can maintain our progress—the more we stay home, mask up, and practice social distancing, the more lives we will save from this dangerous virus.”

The Commonwealth will maintain a Safer at Home strategy with continued strict health and safety protocols including physical distancing, mask-wearing requirements, gathering limits, and business capacity restrictions. The current modified Stay at Home order will expire on February 28, 2021.

Governor Northam is beginning to ease public health restrictions by taking steps to increase capacity limits in outdoor settings, where evidence shows the risk of airborne transmission of COVID-19 is lower. The key changes in the Third Amended Executive Order Seventy-Two include:

Social gatherings: The maximum number of individuals permitted in a social gathering will increase from 10 to 25 people for outdoor settings, while remaining at 10 persons for indoor settings.

Entertainment venues: Outdoor entertainment and public amusement venues will be able to operate with up to 1,000 individuals or at 30 percent capacity, whichever is lower. If current trends continue, these venues may be able to operate at 30 percent capacity with no cap on the number of people permitted to attend starting in April. Indoor entertainment and public amusement venues must continue to operate at 30 percent capacity with a cap of 250 people. All entertainment venues were previously limited to a maximum of 250 individuals.

Dining establishments: The on-site sale, consumption, and possession of alcohol will be permitted until midnight, extended from 10:00 p.m. All restaurants, dining establishments, food courts, breweries, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, and tasting rooms still must be closed between midnight and 5:00 a.m.

Overnight summer camps: As of May 1, overnight summer camps will be able to open with strict mitigation measures in place. Registration can begin now.

The new guidelines will be effective for at least one month and mitigation measures may be eased further if key health metrics continue to improve. Current guidelines for retail businesses, fitness and exercise, large amusement venues, and personal grooming services will remain in place. Individuals are strongly encouraged to continue teleworking if possible.

The full text of Third Amended Executive Order Seventy-Two and Order of Public Health Emergency Nine is available here. Updated guidelines for specific sectors can be found here.

Last week, Governor Northam amended Executive Order Seventy-Two to increase the number of spectators permitted at outdoor youth sporting events to 250.

Visit virginia.gov/coronavirus/forwardvirginia for more information and answers to frequently asked questions.

Full Release




Warming and Charging Centers for Friday 2/19/2021

Warming and Charging Centers for those with Medical equipment in need of power or charging, warming and charging communications devices for Friday, 2/19/21:

Mecklenburg County Emergency Services partners (Town of Clarksville, Southside Rescue, Chase City Rescue and Mecklenburg County Social Services will host convenience centers for the powering and charging of medical equipment for those in need and warming and charging communications devices at the following locations on Friday, February 19th, from 10:00AM to 4:00PM.  Clarksville Community Center, 103 Woodland Drive, Clarksville VA 23927 or an alternate site TBD; Southside Rescue Squad Bingo Hall, 810 W Atlantic Street, South Hill, VA 23970; Chase City Rescue Squad Bingo Hall, 335 Mecklenburg Drive, Chase City, VA 23924 or an alternate site TBD.

There will be no food provided. The hours of Operations will be 10:00AM to 4:00PM. You may stay as long as needed, dependent upon the ability to properly social-distance and allowing others to cycle through.  No pets allowed.

Please wear your mask and any necessary medications or medical apparatus.

Invitation to Bid for Exterior Painting of Town Hall and Council Chambers – Town of Clarksville

The Town of Clarksville is soliciting bids from qualified firms for the repair and painting of the exterior of the Town Hall and Council Chambers located at 321 & 323 Virginia Avenue.  Please double click on the below attachment to obtain a detailed copy of bid document or stop by the  Town Hall located at 321 Virginia Avenue in Clarksville, VA for a paper copy.  A PRE-BID MEETING will be held on March 3, 2021 at 10 a.m. at 321 Virginia Avenue in Clarksville, VA.  Bid(s) must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “SEALED BID – PAINTING BIDS” to the TOWN OF CLARKSVILLE, Attn:  MR. JEFF JONES – TOWN MANAGER, 321 VIRGINIA AVENUE / POST OFFICE BOX 1147, CLARKSVILLE, VA. 23927 and are due no later than 3 P.M. (Eastern Time) on March 11, 2021.  Any proposals received after this date and time will be rejected and returned to the bidder unopened.  Any questions should be emailed to the Town Manager Jeff Jones at townmanager@nullclarksvilleva.org.

Invitation to Bid for Exterior Painting of Town Hall and Council Chambers – Town of Clarksville – Feb 10 2021

Town Council Meeting – Tuesday, February 16th 6:30 p.m.

The Town of Clarksville will hold its normal February meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 6:30 P.M.

These meetings are being held pursuant to and in compliance with the Town of Clarksville Emergency Ordinance for Continuity of Government related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ordinance allows the Town Council of Clarksville and Town related Boards to meet electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic and to be in compliance with the Governors Executive Orders which do not allow for groups larger than 10 people.  Anyone who would like to address the Town Council or make public input, must contact the Town Manager at 434-374-8177, by e-mail at townmanager@nullclarksvilleva.org, or by US Mail at P.O. Box 1147 – Clarksville, VA. 23927 in advance of the meeting.  Any information provided will be provided to the Town Council and put in the public record.

The Town Manager and the Town Clerk will be present at the Town Hall for the meeting and will host the meeting via ZOOM and it will be Live Streamed on YOUTUBE using the following link:  


Clarksville Town Council Meeting Agenda – February 16 2021

Vaccinate Virginia Partner Update — January 24, 2021

The following information is provided to help partners communicate accurate and timely information to constituents. This information is subject to change as Virginia continues to refine the vaccination effort. Visit www.vdh.virginia.gov/covid-19-vaccine for more information.

Key Points:

  • All states rely on the federal government to distribute vaccine doses. Based on our population, Virginia is currently receiving approximately 105,000 new doses per week toward our goal of vaccinating all 8.5 million Virginians plus out-of-state residents who serve as essential workers in Virginia. The pace of incoming doses is not expected to increase until March.
  • Virginia’s primary distribution of doses is allocated by the Virginia Department of Health to Local Health Districts, in proportion to each district’s population. Local Health Districts are expected to determine the most equitable and efficient use of each allocation, leveraging any combination of their own staff and volunteers, hospitals, pharmacies, and individual providers. Additional doses reach some residents of Virginia through separate federal allocations for employees of the U.S. Department of Defense and certain other agencies; the Indian Health Service; and a federal contract with CVS and Walgreens to vaccinate residents of long-term care facilities.
  • Starting tomorrow, all Local Health Districts in Virginia will have moved into Phase 1b of vaccine eligibility. This means that approximately 50% of Virginia’s population is now eligible, including frontline essential workers, people aged 65 years and older, people with high-risk medical conditions identified by the CDC, and people living in correctional facilities, homeless shelters, and migrant labor camps. Other than the healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities in Phase 1a, the Virginians in Phase 1b are at the highest risk of exposure to COVID-19 or serious illness if infected.
  • There are simply not enough doses available yet for everyone who is eligible to receive them. Virginia is not likely to meet the demand for Phase 1b until March or April.
  • Anyone eligible for Phase 1a or 1b based on occupation should check with their employer to see if arrangements have already been made, and should otherwise register with the local health department in the locality where they work. Anyone eligible based on age or medical condition should register with the local health department in the locality where they live. Virginia is reaching out to neighboring states and the District of Columbia to ensure consistency in this approach. Assistance in English, Spanish, and other languages is also available through the VDH Call Center at 877-ASK-VDH3 (877-275-8343).
  • Unfortunately, it may be weeks or longer before vaccination appointments become available for those who have registered.
  • Anyone who receives a first dose of vaccine will receive the second dose three or four weeks later as appropriate. Vaccine providers should not hold back their current supply for second doses; they will receive second doses in proportion to the first doses they administer.

Current Statewide Focus Areas:

  • Working with Local Health Districts to provide consistent information on their websites and by phone for how eligible individuals can register.
  • Working closely with CVS and Walgreens to support their use of allocated vaccine in long-term care facilities as soon as possible, which will help close the gap between available and administered doses.
  • Supporting local points of vaccine distribution to ensure that all administered doses have been entered into the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS). Eliminating the current data entry backlog will provide a more accurate picture of vaccinations in Virginia.
  • Adding additional information to the Vaccine Summary Dashboard soon, to improve transparency around doses provided to vaccinators versus those actually administered.
  • Connecting vaccinators who have unused doses with partners who can help set up additional vaccination clinics for eligible individuals.

How Localities Can Help:

  • Support Local Health Districts in ensuring that registration information for eligible individuals is easily available through local websites and call centers.
  • Emphasize to the public that because approximately 50% of Virginia residents are now eligible to be vaccinated, the limited supply of vaccine from the federal government means it will take months to complete Phase 1b unless supply improves.
  • Closely coordinate with local health districts to plan smaller vaccination clinics now and larger ones once supply improves. Pooling venues, staff, volunteers, and other resources now will avoid delays later.
  • Remind everyone in the community that it is more important than ever to take the same precautions as always: staying home when possible, wearing masks when out, maintaining physical distance from others, washing hands frequently, and other best practices.

Mayor Kevin Allgood has rescheduled the January Town Council Meeting to Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 6:30 P.M.

Mayor Kevin Allgood has rescheduled the January Town Council Meeting to Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 6:30 P.M.

These meetings are being held pursuant to and in compliance with the Town of Clarksville Emergency Ordinance for Continuity of Government related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ordinance allows the Town Council of Clarksville and Town related Boards to meet electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic and to be in compliance with the Governors Executive Orders which do not allow for groups larger than 10 people.  Anyone who would like to address the Town Council or make public input, must contact the Town Manager at 434-374-8177, by e-mail at townmanager@nullclarksvilleva.org, or by US Mail at P.O. Box 1147 – Clarksville, VA. 23927 in advance of the meeting.  Any information provided will be provided to the Town Council and put in the public record.

The Town Manager and the Town Clerk will be present at the Town Hall for the meeting and will host the meeting via ZOOM and it will be Live Streamed on YOUTUBE using the following link:  


Town Council Meeting – Agenda – 1-27-2021