Governor Northam Announces Plans to Postpone Upcoming Virginia Elections in Response to COVID-19

Commonwealth of Virginia

Office of Governor Ralph S. Northam


Office of the Governor


Governor Northam Announces Plans to Postpone Upcoming Virginia Elections in Response to COVID-19

~ Governor delays June primary by two weeks,

asks General Assembly to move May elections to November

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today requested the General Assembly move the May General Election and all special elections scheduled for May 5, 2020 to the November 3, 2020 General Election date to further mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The Governor is also exercising his statutory authority (§ 24.2-603.1 of the Code of Virginia) to move the June primary elections from June 9, 2020 to June 23, 2020.

“As other states have shown, conducting an election in the middle of this global pandemic would bring unprecedented challenges and potential risk to voters and those who work at polling places across the Commonwealth,” said Governor Northam. “Making these decisions now will help election officials prepare and implement the necessary changes. This is about protecting the health and safety of Virginians during this pandemic and ensuring our citizens can make their voices heard in a safe, fair, and uniform manner. I urge the General Assembly to do their part and take action to move our upcoming elections.”

“Free and fair elections are at the core of our democracy and no Virginian should have to choose between their health and exercising their right to vote, said Attorney General Herring. “I’m proud to have worked closely with Governor Northam and his team on a solution that protects both public health and the integrity of our elections.”

Moving the upcoming May elections requires action by the General Assembly. The plan the Governor is proposing includes the following measures:

There will be one ballot in November.

Voters who are qualified in November will be able to vote in November. An individual who was not qualified in May but is qualified in November will be able to vote.

All absentee ballots already cast will be discarded. Virginians will have an opportunity to vote for local elected officials in November.

Those officials whose terms are to expire as of June 30, 2020 will continue in office until their successors have been elected on the November 3, 2020 and have been qualified to serve.

For additional resources and information about Virginia’s COVID-19 response, please visit

Full Release

April 13 – Blood Drive – Clarksville Community Center

The American Red Cross blood drive scheduled for April 6, 2020 has been moved to April 13, 2020 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Clarksville Community Center located at 105 Woodlawn Drive in Clarksville, VA.  There is a tremendous need for blood at this time and there have been many drives cancelled.  The Red Cross are taking precautions to make sure everyone can donate and be as safe as possible.  Everyone will be checked before letting them into the blood drive and social distancing will be enforced.  If you are able to donate,  please go to the Red Cross website at or you may call Ms. Chris Garrison at 434-738-8628.  Thank you.


Invitation: Conference call with Senator Mark Warner on COVID-19 Stimulus Bill

Conference Call – VA. Senator Mark Warner – COVID-19 Stimulus Bill

The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected our social and business landscape in unprecedented ways, and Congress is working on a multi-trillion dollar aid package to help workers and small businesses weather the economic effects of the virus. Senator Mark Warner has been part of a bipartisan group of Senators working with the Administration to negotiate this deal.

Please join Senator Warner for a conference call with Southside Business Leaders to discuss the COVID-19 financial aid package.

Date: Wednesday, April 1st

Time: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Dial-in number: (202) 228-0808

Access Code: 1535627#

Please RSVP to Charity Howell, . Due to the Senator’s time and the capacity of the call, please send any questions you have in advance of the call to Charity Howell.

Charity Howell | Regional Director

U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner

919 E. Main Street Suite 630

Richmond, VA 23219

O: 804.292.7490

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Sign up for Sen. Warner’s newsletter


Governor Northam Encourages Virginians to Complete 2020 Census Online Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Commonwealth of Virginia

Office of Governor Ralph S. Northam


Office of the Governor


Governor Northam Encourages

Virginians to Complete 2020 Census

Online Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

~ Highlights upcoming Census Day and virtual statewide Week of Action ~

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today encouraged Virginians to complete the 2020 Census online as the country works to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. This week, households across Virginia began receiving invitations from the U.S. Census Bureau to complete the 2020 Census. For the first time ever, individuals are able to complete their forms online, via phone, or mail. The statewide virtual Week of Action from Friday, March 27 to Thursday, April 2 will highlight Census Day on April 1, and encourage Virginians participate in the 2020 Census.

“Though many Virginians are focused on COVID-19, it is still crucial that everyone takes times to complete the 2020 Census, which can be done quickly and easily online,” said Governor Northam. “Counting every person in the Commonwealth will ensure that we receive our portion of the more than $675 billion in federal funding that will be allocated to states for important programs, from Medicaid to school breakfasts.”

By last Friday, an estimated 140 million households had received an invitation from the U.S. Census Bureau to complete the 2020 Census. To date, approximately 18.6 million households have responded to the Census. Though data collection continues, the U.S. Census Bureau has modified some of their field operations during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Today, Governor Northam also announced a Virtual Statewide Week of Action, which includes Census Day on Wednesday, April 1. From Friday, March 27 through Thursday, April 2, Virginians are encouraged to virtually promote the 2020 Census and “Determine Your Decade: YOUR Representation. YOUR Community Funding. YOUR Civic Duty.”

A full list of events is located below:

Friday, March 27 – Sunday, March 29 | Interfaith Engagement

Faith Leaders and communities are encouraged to commit to being a faith partner through the following efforts:

Religious Teachings: Incorporate Census messaging into a virtual sermon, lesson, litany, or other teaching. This is an opportunity to preach or teach on the importance of being counted in the 2020 Census.

Announcement or Presentation: Allow a member of the U.S. Census Bureau, Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Virginia Complete Count Commission, or a local Complete Count Committee to virtually connect with your congregation and provide a Census-related message.

Video Messaging: Share a Census-related video message with your congregation via email or through social media channels.

Social Media: Encourage parishioners to follow @CountOnVirginia on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for Census-related updates. Leverage your own social media and that of your congregants to spread the word about the 2020 Census.

Digital Platforms: Work with local media to share key messages about the upcoming Census. You may consider writing an op-ed or being interviewed by a local reporter.

Text Messaging: Encourage parishioners to text PLEDGE or CENSO to (804) 203-0393 for Census updates and reminders.

Monday, March 30 | Social Media Monday

Virginians can “Get Social on Media Monday” by following Virginia’s Census engagement efforts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Virginians are also invited to participate in a Twitter chat about what’s at stake in the 2020 Census. Questions can be tweeted to @CountOnVirginia. Promote the Census using the hashtags #Census2020, #VACompleteCount, and #CountOnVirginia. Additionally, individuals are encouraged to change their Facebook profile picture frames to promote the Census.

Tuesday, March 31 | Text It Tuesday: Pledge to be Counted

The Northam administration has partnered with CommunityConnect Labs to use mobile messaging to connect with hard-to-reach populations. Virginians are encouraged to “Pledge to be Counted” by texting the word “PLEDGE” or “CENSO” (Español) to the number for their respective locality. Participants will receive a digital pledge card that can be shared on social media. Standard text messaging data rates may apply.

Valley: (540) 235-5155

Northern: (703) 684-0007 or (571) 200-0828

Coastal: (757) 210-3232

Southside: (434) 201-4884

Southwest: (276) 218-8138

Central: (804) 203-0393

Wednesday, April 1 | Spread the Word Wednesday

Since 1930, Census Day has been observed on April 1. By this date, all households will have received an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Organizations are encouraged to send electronic correspondence to subscribers promoting the 2020 Census and sharing instructions for how individuals can complete the Census online, by phone, or by mail.

Thursday, April 2 | Townhall Thursday

Organizations are encouraged to host virtual townhalls via Facebook Live, Google Hangouts, and other platforms to promote the 2020 Census.

“It’s important that we come together as a community to determine our decade and be counted in the 2020 Census,” Secretary of the Commonwealth Kelly Thomasson. “Taking 10 minutes to complete our Census questionnaires online will help our communities for the next 10 years.”

How to Complete the 2020 Census Online

To respond online, go to The online form is available in English and 12 other languages. Additionally, video guides showing people how to complete the online questionnaire are available in English and 59 other languages.

A sample 2020 Census questionnaire is available here.

About the Virginia Complete Count Commission

On December 18, 2018, Governor Northam signed Executive Order Twenty-Seven establishing the Virginia Complete Count Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to improve participation and representation of all Virginians in the 2020 Census. The Commission facilitates the sharing of ideas and community resources regarding the 2020 Census and serves as a conduit between the Commonwealth and the United State Census Bureau.

The Virginia Complete Count Commission serves as a trusted voice and resource to educate, empower, and engage all communities for the purpose of ensuring that everyone who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia is counted in the 2020 Census.

For more information on the 2020 Census and Virginia Complete Count Commission, visit or follow @CountOnVirginia on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Full Release

Governor Northam Issues Statewide Stay at Home Order

Commonwealth of Virginia

Office of Governor Ralph S. Northam


Office of the Governor


Governor Northam Issues Statewide

Stay at Home Order


RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today issued a statewide Stay at Home order to protect the health and safety of Virginians and mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. The executive order takes effect immediately and will remain in place until June 10, 2020, unless amended or rescinded by a further executive order.

The order directs all Virginians to stay home except in extremely limited circumstances. Individuals may leave their residence for allowable travel, including to seek medical attention, work, care for family or household members, obtain goods and services like groceries, prescriptions, and others as outlined in Executive Order Fifty-Three, and engage in outdoor activity with strict social distancing requirements.

The executive order also directs all Virginia institutions of higher education to stop in-person classes and instruction. Private campgrounds must close for short-term stays, and beaches will be closed statewide except for fishing and exercise.

“We are in a public health crisis, and we need everyone to take this seriously and act responsibly,” said Governor Northam. “Our message to Virginians is clear: stay home. We know this virus spreads primarily through human-to-human contact, and that’s why it’s so important that people follow this order and practice social distancing. I’m deeply grateful to everyone for their cooperation during this unprecedented and difficult time.”

The full text of Executive Order Fifty-Five can be found here .

Last week, Governor Northam issued  Executive Order Fifty-Three closing certain non-essential businesses, prohibiting public gatherings of more than 10 people, and directing all K-12 schools to remain closed for the rest of the academic year. A Frequently Asked Questions guide about Executive Order Fifty-Three can be found here .

For the latest information about the COVID-19 outbreak, visit  or

Full Release

Palm Sunday Food Drive for Clarksville Food Pantry

Hello!  As we all know, we are living through an unprecedented time!  You can imagine as the Food Pantry helps many during ‘normal’ times how great is the need during this Pandemic!  We all desire to help in some way and this is just one way we can!

With that said, through community organization with our Food Pantry in Clarksville, we will have a “Drive-Thru” collection of the items listed below on

Sunday morning, April 5th (Palm Sunday) from 9am-11am.

This will take place at Clarksville’s Community Center.

(Normal Food Pantry hours are Wednesday & Saturday, 9am-12 noon.  You may also contribute monetarily if preferred by mailing your donations made out to ‘Clarksville Food Pantry’ and mail to: CFP, PO Box 402, Clarksville, VA. 23927)

We ask, for you who wish to donate on April 5th to have your donations bagged and ready so as you drive-thru the Community Center parking lot, someone will take your donation (they will be masked and gloved) and then you exit as you celebrate Palm Sunday!!

The list of needed items (which Food Pantry ask for these items only for this particular drive) are:

Canned meat
Mac & Cheese
Instant potatoes
Peanut butter and jelly
Can vegetables
Can fruit
Dry and can beans 

Also please donate ‘normal’ size items due to the fact of bulk size items are much more difficult to distribute for individuals: (Example: a 16 oz. can of green beans vs. a gallon can). The normal size products help aid the Food Pantry’s distribution process. You can order on line in some businesses if you wish not to go in and shop.

Again, our team and our community wish to thank you and desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, who rode into town facing His death on what we now proclaim as Palm Sunday.  The people living in the 1st Century, and everyone since, never experienced the Grace that was ‘willingly given’ that following week!   John 10:18(CEV): “Jesus spoke: No one takes my life from me. I give it up willingly! I have the power to give it up and the power to receive it back again, just as my Father commanded me to do.”

COVID-19 Federal Response Efforts Continue


Intergovernmental Affairs

Please see the advisory below from our partners in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding an update on the whole of government response to COVID-19.


March 26, 2020

FEMA Advisory

COVID-19 Federal Response Efforts Continue

“My current focus has been and will continue to be to make sure we get critical supplies to those places around the country that need them the most.” – FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor

The federal government continues taking aggressive and proactive steps to address the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The health and safety of the American people is our top priority.

We are halfway through 15 Days to Slow the Spread. Do your part to flatten the curve:

  • Stay home as much as much as possible.
  • If you need to go out, practice social distancing.

Under the direction of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, FEMA, HHS and our federal partners are working with state, local, tribal and territorial governments to execute a whole of government response to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and protect the public.

Sixteen states and 4 tribes have issued full stay-at-home orders; in addition to eight states that have issued partial or localized orders, and one state that has issued orders for certain at-risk groups only.

On March 22, President Trump directed the Secretary of Defense to allow the states of California, New York and Washington use of the National Guard in a Title 32 status to support state and local emergency assistance efforts. This allows the governors to activate the National Guard to support their disaster response efforts, on a fully reimbursable basis and under their respective command and control, if that becomes necessary. Additional states can request this assistance and those requests will be considered.

On March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a nationwide emergency pursuant to Sec. 501(b) of Stafford Act. The President’s action cuts red tape and bureaucracy and avoids governors needing to request individual emergency declarations.

In addition, the states of California, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, New York, North Carolina, Texas and Washington were approved for major disaster declarations to assist with additional needs identified in these states.

Medical supplies are en route to these states, including respirators, surgical masks and gowns, face shields, coveralls and gloves. Many supplies have already arrived and additional supplies are en route to these designated areas. The U.S. Navy hospital ship Mercy is en route and expected to be operational by April 1 to support Los Angeles with additional hospital beds and medical staff. The U.S. Navy hospital ship Comfort is expected to be operational by April 4 to support New York City. FEMA issued a $350 million Mission Assignment to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for construction of alternate care facilities in New York. Four sites have been selected.

Please see attached for updated information on Medical Hotspots, the federal response efforts, Community Based Testing Sites (CBTS), Ventilator Guidance, Coping with Stress, Defense Production Act, Disinformation and Rumor Control, How to Help for volunteers and the private sector, and information on the Strategic National Stockpile.


Governor Northam Directs Postponement of Elective Surgeries

Commonwealth of Virginia

Office of Governor Ralph S. Northam


Office of the Governor


Governor Northam Directs

Postponement of Elective Surgeries

~ Order will preserve medical beds and personal protective equipment for COVID-19 response ~

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam and State Health Commissioner M. Norman Oliver, MD, MA today directed all hospitals to stop performing elective surgeries or procedures to help conserve supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE).

The public health emergency order does not apply to any procedure if the delay would cause harm to a patient. The order also does not apply to outpatient visits in hospital-based clinics, family planning services, or emergency needs.

Earlier this week, Governor Northam recommended that hospitals postpone any elective surgeries, and many have already done so.

“Hospitals and medical facilities in Virginia and around the country are in desperate need of additional masks, gowns, gloves, and other personal protective equipment,” said Governor Northam. “While we work to increase our supply, it makes sense to decrease the demand on that equipment where we can. Postponing elective surgeries allows us to divert more PPE to the medical staff who are dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak so we can better protect the men and men on the front lines of this public health emergency, fighting to keep us all safe.”

Licensed inpatient and outpatient surgical hospitals, free-standing endoscopy centers, physicians’ offices, and dental, orthodontic, and endodontic offices may perform any procedure or surgery that if delayed or canceled would result in the patient’s condition worsening. Outpatient surgical hospitals are encouraged to work with local inpatient hospitals to assist with surge capacity needs. The full text of Order of Public Health Emergency Two is available here .

Virginia received its first shipment of PPE from the national stockpile this week and the state has made its second request. The Governor continues to call for a nationally-led response for acquiring and distributing PPE so that states are not competing against each other, the federal government, and even other countries for the equipment, causing higher prices in the private sector.

Last week, Governor Northam issue Executive Order Fifty-Two  that lifts Virginia’s certificate of public need restrictions, allowing hospitals and nursing homes to increase their bed capacity as needed to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Governor Northam has ordered many non-essential businesses to close for 30 days, and told Virginians to stay home except for necessary trips out, so as to increase social distancing and slow the spread of the virus.

Full Release



Small Business Association hosting series of webinars

Chamber Members,

The Small Business Association (SBA) will be hosting a series of webinars focused around the topic of applying for SBA’s Economic Injury Loan Disaster (EILD) for Small Businesses. Below you will find the information to register.

The Virginia Chamber will continue to provide you with the most up-to-date information and resources during this time. Additional information can be found by visiting the Virginia Chamber’s COVID-19 Resource Center.

Economic Injury Loan Disaster Webinar

Webinar: Applying for SBA Disaster Loans – Economic Injury Disaster …
Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – 2:00pm EDT
SBA Participating
Registration Required 

Webinar: Applying for SBA Disaster Loans – Economic Injury Disaster …
Thursday, March 26, 2020 – 10:00am EDT
SBA Participating
Registration Required 

Webinar: Applying for SBA Disaster Loans – Economic Injury Disaster …
Thursday, March 26, 2020 – 2:00pm EDT
SBA Participating
Registration Required 

Disaster Office Hours of Operation:
1‐800‐659‐2955-Disaster Assistance (EILD)
8:00 am-8:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
9:00 am-5:00 pm
SBA Virginia Richmond District Office