July 1, 2024– June 30, 2025
Estimated Revenues | |
Taxes | $ 2,238,086.26 |
Sanitation Service Fees | $158,877.00 |
Fines | $ 26,500.00 |
Intergovernmental Transfers | $644,044.87 |
Miscellaneous | $ 1,857,976.02 |
ARPA Reserve | $693,769.08 |
Interest Income | $110,000.00 |
Total Estimated General Fund Revenues | $ 5,729,253.23 |
Estimated Expenditures | |
General Administration | $792,963.95 |
Streets/Sidewalks | $194,891.90 |
Sanitation | $298,721.10 |
Building & Grounds | $330,404.74 |
Public Safety | $913,794.79 |
Fire & Rescue | $100,600.00 |
Non-Departmental | $ 2,658,600.00 |
Debt Service | $299,855.73 |
Contingency | $139,421.02 |
Total Proposed General Fund Expenditures | $ 5,729,253.23 |
Estimated Revenues | |
Revenue Sharing – VLCP | $ 3,186 |
Proceeds of Loan – Planters | $ 1,452,027 |
From Reserve Funds | $617,514 |
Police Asset Forf. Interest Income | $500 |
PAF Revenue from Other Govts. | $0 |
Veteran's Memorial Donations | $1,000 |
Veteran's Memorial Interest Income | $100 |
Total Estimated Special Revenue Fund Revenues | $ 2,074,327 |
Estimated Expenditures | |
Administration | $ 2,073,227 |
Contingency | $1,100 |
Total Estimated Special Revenue Fund Expenditures | $ 2,074,327 |
Estimated Revenues | |
Water Fees | $604,000.00 |
Sewer Fees | $825,000.00 |
Water Miscellaneous Charges | $168,242.09 |
Sewer Miscellaneous Charges | $ 5,004,143.13 |
Interest Income | $ 30,000.00 |
Total Estimated Water And Sewer Fund Revenues | $ 6,631,385.22 |
Estimated Expenditures | |
Water General Administration | $ 93,088.27 |
Water Treatment and Storage | $318,685.21 |
Water Line Maintenance | $104,300.53 |
Sewer General Administration | $ 92,475.40 |
Sewer Treatment | $327,898.43 |
Sewer Line Maintenance | $108,699.92 |
Lift Stations | $ 90,500.00 |
Water Debt Service | $209,552.06 |
Sewer Debt Service | $237,196.88 |
Sewer Project Operations | $ 4,895,193.13 |
Contingency | $153,795.39 |
Total Estimated Water and Sewer Expenditures | $ 6,631,385.22 |
Estimated Revenues | |
Interest Income | $500 |
Perpetual Care | $ 1,000 |
Total Estimated Cemetery Trust Fund Revenues | $ 1,500 |
Proposed Expenditures | |
Inter-fund Transfers | $500 |
Contingency | $ 1,000 |
Total Estimated Cemetery Trust Fund Expenditures | $ 1,500 |